🕵️‍♂️Rug-Proof Total Security

Highest KYC by ContractWolf | Gamma: Amano Financial team has been KYC approved by ContractWolf the no. 1 of choice for big crypto projects and the crypto world that privately verifies the identity of crypto project owners so everyone can be more confident in their investment., providing our investors with an added layer of safety, protection, and trust.

Audit Report check it here: https://github.com/ContractWolf/smart-contract-audits/blob/main/ContractWolf_Audit_Amano_Financial.pdf

KYC check it here: https://github.com/ContractWolf/KYC-certificates/blob/main/KYC_Amano_Financial.jpg

Highest KYC & Audit by Coinsult - The purpose of Coinsult KYC Service is to make the crypto space safer and more reliable.

Audit Report check it here: https://github.com/Coinsult/solidity/blob/main/AmanoFinancialAudit.pdf

KYC check it here: https://coinsult.net/projects/amanofinancial/

Audited by RUGFREEcoins - a top crypto auditing agency, providing our investors with an added layer of safety, protection, and trust.

Audit Report check it here: https://github.com/Rugfreecoins/Smart-Contract-Audits/blob/main/Amano%20Financial%20Token%20Audit.pdf

Solidity Finance Audit: Solidity Finance will be onboarded immediately after the presale.

CertiK Audit: CertiK will be onboarded to maintain the highest contract security standard possible.

Auto LP Lock: LP will be locked automatically by CoinTool for 2 years after the presale is over.

No Team Tokens: Team will not hold any tokens.

No Minting Code: Unlike our competitors, we have removed minting code from the contract., providing our investors with an added layer of safety, protection, and trust.

Last updated